
5th Annual Multicultural Day

Students and Faculty Join Together in Celebrating TCOP's Vibrant Diversity With an International Buffet and Fashion Show

March 17, 2016

Two of Touro College of Pharmacy's largest student organizations, SNPhA and SSHP, joined together to host TCOP's 5th annual Multicultural Day. Students and faculty showcased their heritage by wearing traditional clothes and sharing traditional foods from their respective countries, which included Ghana, India, Trinidad, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, South Korea, Afghanistan, and Barbados. As Michael Escott, Associate Dean for Student Affairs, said, "TCOP is a microcosm of the entire world."

To celebrate, the cafeteria was transformed into a whirlwind of scarves, geometric patterns, sparkles, neon materials, and wonderful aromas. Basirat Adeyemi, P4 student and president of SNPhA, made her own version of the Nigerian 'Iro' dress for the party. P1 student Tamanna Majunder proudly represented Bangladesh in her red sari and came first place in the fashion show. As a second generation Bangladeshi, Tamanna says, "My mom made us speak Bengali at home, and I'm so grateful because now I'll be able to help my future patients understand how to take their medications." (Tamanna's brother, Towfiq, is also at TCOP, a P4 student graduating this June.) 

Ghana representatives Emmanuel Oppong and Roland Kaduah, second year students, brought along a dish named Jollof Rice (also called benachin), a one-pot rice dish similar to pilaf or paella. When asked about the international buffet, one student commented that "it's great because you’ve heard of these foods, but never had an opportunity to try them."

TCOP prides itself on its diversity – in its students, and the communities they continue on to serve. Multicultural Day helps promote respect and tolerance, and understanding of other cultures, working towards the ultimate goal of graduating better, and more culturally sensitive, pharmacists.