
At Pharmacy Career Fair, Students Look Towards Future

Hospitals, Pharmacies Recruit Touro Graduates

October 31, 2016
Students at Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP) met with recruiters during TCOP's 2016 Career Fair Day.

Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP) fourth-year student Stephanie Dym had her first child while she was a student at the Harlem campus. While it made juggling her academics slightly challenging, the story did offer her something distinctive to share with her interviewers at Touro College of Pharmacy’s Career Fair. 

“The more unique experiences you can pull, the better prepared you’ll be,” she advised fellow students. “In addition, try to get as much patient interaction as possible. Interviewers want to know why you stand out.”

On October 14, Touro College of Pharmacy students got a first-hand look at their futures at the college’s annual career fair. Students were able to meet with interviewers from hospitals and chain pharmacies as well as find out information about residencies and fellowships.

Dr. Dipan Ray, director of practice experience at Touro College of Pharmacy, explained:
“We want to expose students to different options so that they can choose the right path.”

Presenters and representatives included Mount Sinai Hospital, Northwell Health System, NYU Langone Medical Center, SUNY Downstate Medical Center, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, and Brookdale Hospital and Medical Center. Chain pharmacies like CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens were equally eager to meet with the future pharmacists.  

Tracy Hodurski, manager of professional and college relationships for CVS, said that the company was actively recruiting pharmacists for California and described the graduates as “mature.”

“Touro graduates tend to have more passion and confidence because of their experiences,” she said.

While it was still too early to tell if any of the students landed positions from the fair, for many, the day provided an opportunity to practice their interviewing skills and share what they felt worked for them.

Student Phoebe Wong who interviewed with Rite Aid recommended performing serious research before an interview.

“Figure out why you want to go to a specific employer so you don’t go in blindly,” she suggested.

Dr. Henry Cohen, Dean of the Touro College Pharmacy, offered his own advice for students during the interviewing process.

“The most important aspects of being successful is professionalism,” he counseled. “During an interview maintain eye-contact, communicate confidently and be able to articulate your own experience and why you are the right person for the job.”

Student Vered Zino described the day as both informative and inspiring. “We were able to see recent graduates and see how their lives came together after they graduated.”

Randy Lao, of the class of 2016, was one of those graduates. He is currently a pharmacy practice resident at Bronx Lebanon Hospital.

“The students were inquisitive and very excited,” he said. “They’re looking forward to their futures.”