
Celebrating Multicultural Day

Students and Professors Partake in Ethnic Foods and a Fashion Show—While Raising Money for Those With Sickle Cell Disease

March 02, 2015

India, Nigeria, Philippines, Vietnam, China, Korea, Jamaica, Ghana, Hawaii, Cameroon, Bangladesh and Israel were just a few of the countries represented at the Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP) fourth annual Multicultural Day. 

Hosted by the SNPhA (Student National Pharmaceutical Association), the program featured a buffet of ethnic foods, fashion show, raffles, dancing, and music provided by a student DJ. Students and professors dressed up in traditional attire to represent their native cultures, and tasted the various dishes brought in by students to represent their national cuisines.

“Some students even brought in typical American foods, such as good old mac and cheese!” reported P2 student Rima Jani, SNPhA’s Diabetes Initiative Chair, who organized the event with P3 student Ashley Szeto.

A portion of the event’s proceeds from ticket sales will be donated to the Queens Sickle Cell Advocacy Network (QSCAN), a nonprofit organization that helps children, families, and individuals affected by sickle cell disease.

“We had a vision to make it the best multicultural day at TCOP yet,” said Jani, “and it was very rewarding to see what we were able to accomplish. Seeing so many different people come together and genuinely enjoy each other’s company, dance together, eat together, and laugh together was well worth the hours of planning and labor that went into making it a successful event.”

“SNPhA strives to raise cultural awareness through this event every year,” added Jani, “and we are very fortunate to be part of this great organization at Touro College of Pharmacy, where all faculty, staff, and students truly embrace cultural diversity.”

P2 student Alea Mansoor said she loved getting dressed up for the fashion show.

"Growing up as a Pakistani American, I never fail to realize that there are so many different cultures around me. People usually identify me by my hijab (head scarf), but multicultural day allowed me to see everyone else's ethnic background through their beautiful clothing as well.”