
Faculty Bid Farewell to the TCOP Class of 2016

Some Parting Words, and Advice, From the Touro College of Pharmacy Faculty to the New Graduates

May 26, 2016

In a farewell message to the Touro College of Pharmacy graduates of 2016, the faculty at TCOP share some reminders and advice, such as…

  • Reach out to peers, colleagues, and friends for questions during your first job—they’ve been there and should be able to help
  • Your advice is going to be valued by other professionals, the patient, as well as the patients’ family
  • Keep up with medication guidelines by signing up for listservs
  • When interacting with patients, put aside technical jargon
  • If you need to go back to school to complete a residency or fellowship, it’s always worthwhile to take one step back in order to take two steps forward
  • Collaborate with other health care professionals to ensure that you optimize delivery of care to your patients
  • And lastly (but certainly not least): Always remember that you are equipped to excel!