
Pursuing Postgraduate Residency to Care for Patients

Variety of Career Options Drew Tzivia Gutman to Touro College of Pharmacy

July 11, 2023
Tzivia Gutman receiving her diploma from Touro College of Pharmacy Dean Henry Cohen
Tzivia Gutman receiving her diploma from Touro College of Pharmacy Dean Henry Cohen.

Science was always her interest when Tzivia Gutman was an undergraduate student at Yeshiva University. She majored in biology, minored in chemistry, and was premed all the way.

“I never thought I’d end up in pharmacy school until junior year in an organic chemistry class. That was where I saw the different mechanisms that come into play and a lot of that lends its way to pharmacology,” she explained.

An undergraduate advisor had suggested a pharmacy career to her, but initially, she was reluctant. “The traditional pharmacy role was not something that appealed to me. Dispensing was not my cup of tea,” she recalled.

“More to Pharmacy than Dispensing”

But she began investigating more about the field and the variety of careers offered, and also shadowed an independent pharmacist in Brooklyn, which helped broaden her perspectives. Seeing the pharmacist review patients’ medications, correcting doses, and handling insurance issues behind the scenes showed her that there is much more to pharmacy than dispensing. From there, Gutman began to explore various paths within the pharmaceutical industry, clinical pharmacy, and academia.

“I got a greater appreciation for pharmacists in that setting because they’re not just counting pills and up to that point that was my understanding of it,” she explained.  “There are so many behind the scenes issues that I kind of liked, that ‘unsung hero’ aspect.”

She decided to apply to pharmacy school and said she was drawn to TCOP after visiting the campus and talking with Touro advisors and students. She was drawn especially to the small size of the classes and close-knit nature of the program. Coming to Touro was not an easy decision, but it’s one she hasn’t regretted.

“When I spoke to the students they really felt taken care of. That was something that really drew me into the program. I’ve been very happy here. I can approach my professors and they have my well-being in mind. They actually know me, so that’s something special here.”

Gutman is excited for her next step – continuing her pharmacy education with a postgraduate residency at SBH Health System in the Bronx. She sees herself eventually working as a clinical pharmacist in a hospital setting.

“I like direct patient care, but also the active role in a more acute situation in a hospital,” she says. “I am interested in critical care – in an ICU-type setting but am open to other specialties as well because the more I learn the more I get interested in different areas. It’s one day at a time!”