
Working Her Way Up

Touro College of Pharmacy Alumna Sharii Kidd, PharmD, Wears Many Hats in World of Biopharma

December 20, 2021
Sharii Kidd, PharmD
Sharii Kidd, PharmD

Sharii Kidd, PharmD, a member of TCOP's Class of 2016, has learned to balance a variety of different tasks while learning the ropes in the sophisticated and challenging world of biopharmaceuticals.

How did you become interested in a career in pharmacy?

When I was in high school, my grandmother told me about a new program offering a doctorate degree in six to eight years. My ears perked up and I did my research. I loved that pharmacy was a growing field where you can help people and make a difference. Even though I didn’t go to pharmacy school right away (life happens), after working at CVS Pharmacy and having so many mentors there, my interest was solidified.

Why did you choose Touro?

It was always my dream to move back to New York, having lived in Florida for most of my life. TCOP’s program caught my eye because it was focused on public health and preferred a bachelor’s degree. I knew the program would cater to a more experienced set of students and bring people from all cultures and backgrounds together. It was perfect for me. 

What is your current position and can you describe a day in your life on the job?

Currently I am a Medical Information Manager at Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc., a privately-owned biopharma company in Parsippany, N.J. I started in Medical Affairs Operations and was promoted to Medical Information in 2021. Being that Ferring is a smaller pharma company, I’m able to wear many hats and gain exposure to many different parts of the business. At the moment, I cover all brands. My responsibilities include managing the medical information call center vendor, handling escalated inquiries, writing/updating standard and customized response letters, and ensuring all documents (FAQs, letters, prescribing information, publications, allergen information) are up to date.  I also facilitate and review medical affairs materials for proactive use in the field, prepare medical content for product launches, and serve as medical reviewer for label creation/updates along with Regulatory Affairs.

What are some of the challenges and what do you like about it? 

One of the challenges is being able to balance the many different tasks that are needed of you while learning your role. However, I have an awesome team that’s supportive and we really help each other out. It’s a challenge, but I love the exposure to different parts of the business and the opportunities provided to build relationships throughout the company. This promotes growth and development and helps me determine my next steps.

How did TCOP prepare you for your professional role

The presentations! I truly believe that Touro and the school’s system of rotations helped build my public speaking skills and confidence in working with others. Of course, the intensive learning in the didactic portion of the curriculum was key, as well. Taken together with the New York experience, today I am a different person than I was when I began at Touro, in the best way possible. If it were not for Touro College of Pharmacy, I would not be where I am today and I am super grateful!