
TCOP Welcomes the Class of 2019

In a three-day orientation, pharmacy students met their new peers and acclimated to campus.

September 01, 2015
In Thursday's Block Party Bash, students met upperclassmen and learned about TCOP's different clubs.

A first-generation American with parents from Haiti, Prezzie Charles, 27, has been working as a pharmacist technician since she was fourteen years old—“and I’ve loved pharmacy ever since,” she says. 

After completing her undergraduate education at Touro’s NYSCAS, Ms. Charles (who was a former publicity assistant for the National Basketball Association) knew she wanted to stay within the Touro system when she chose to enroll in Touro College of Pharmacy (TCOP). “Its unique 2+2 program, combined with seeing how active the students were in Public Health, really piqued my interest,” she says.

Now, she’s one of 100 new students in TCOP’s class of 2019, which includes students hailing from as close as the Bronx, New York to as far as Ogba, Nigera.

In TCOP’s three-day orientation, which included presentations from the Offices of Student Affairs, Practice Experience, and Student Services, the incoming students learned about their new schedules, took a tour of the facilities, and gleaned valuable advice from current and former students during a panel discussion.

The incoming P1’s also received a taste of TCOP’s spirited student life during a Harlem bus tour, Kappa Psi laser tag event, a Happy Hour Social sponsored by the SGA and Pharmacists for Public Health (PPH), and a Block Party Bash—which included a hearty lunch, water-balloon toss, selfie booth, and multicolored moon bounces.

Welcome to Touro College of Pharmacy, class of 2019!