The Didactic Curriculum builds a strong foundation in the sciences while integrating hands-on learning and real-world applications. From core courses in pharmacology and medicinal chemistry to advanced topics in therapeutics and clinical practice, each year deepens your expertise. Through lectures, labs, simulations, and interprofessional education, you'll develop the knowledge and skills needed for patient care, preparing you for advanced experiential learning in your final year.
First Year
It all starts with the foundational basic science courses in Pathophysiology, Medicinal Chemistry, Immunology and Microbiology, Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, which will prepare you for all your future coursework with an understanding of drug chemistry, bodily processes of disease states, pathogens, and molecular processes. You’ll already start putting that understanding into practice in your pharmacology, therapeutics, and pharmacogenomics courses.
Some highlights:
- Basic Sciences provide the foundation and building blocks for all other coursework
- Professional practice course series frames the roles and responsibilities of the pharmacist necessary in understanding the pharmacist’s relationships with patients and to the health delivery system
- Cultural Competency is your first interprofessional education course
- As early as spring semester you’ll start your clinical exposure and hands-on experience in the lab and you’ll start to learn how to make non-sterile dosage forms
- Introduction to the PPCP model
- Simulation learning starts and you’ll have your first exposure and begin to navigate the electronic health records system and physician order platforms
P1 Fall
PHPN 500 - Medical Terminology I (0 Credits)
Using a systems approach, through this first self-study course students analyze and interpret root words, prefixes and suffixes with an emphasis on spelling, pronunciation, definition and use of commonly used medical terminologies in healthcare settings. As part of the learning process, students are exposed to basic anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease and clinical procedures.
PBSN 520 - Immunology and Microbiology (3 Credits)
Medical Microbiology & Immunology presents an overview of disease-associated microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Emphasis is placed on the mechanisms of classes of therapeutics traditionally used to combat these disease-inducing microbes. An overview of the immune system is presented emphasizing the complexity and diversity of the immune response, the cells and molecules involved in the immune system, and the drug interventions that are designed to regulate the immune system.
PBSN 526 - Pathophysiology (4 Credits)
Pathophysiology course is designed as an orientation at the intersection of physiology and pathology, concerning disordered physiological processes that cause, result from, or are otherwise associated with a disease or injury. This course provides a comprehensive foundation of the mechanisms that produce altered physiologic function across the life continuum. The course moves from basic pathological processes to diseases by organ systems to multiple system diseases, and associated processes. This course prepares Pharmacy students related to management and preliminary diagnosis and disease processes associated with pathophysiologic dysfunction and analysis of the sequences of changes leading to various disease states within the main body systems that can be coupled to the principles of prevention, diagnosis, and possible treatments.
PBSN 527 - Pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry I (4 Credits)
Understanding the molecular and cellular characteristics of drugs that affect their therapeutic and adverse outcomes allows pharmacists to optimize drug therapy and avoid unwanted adverse consequences. Thus, a complete understanding of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry enables pharmacists to provide more comprehensive pharmaceutical care to their patients. This is the first course of the pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry series which provides an introductory part in both pharmacology and medicinal chemistry including pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of drug action as well as pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of drugs used for the treatment of disease conditions. Topics provide in-depth perspectives on drug-receptor interactions and the dynamic relationship of drug-receptor pharmacology. Students are expected to gain a fundamental and practiced knowledge of the principles of drug action mechanisms, which will enable them to explain and predict the chemical basis of drug action at the molecular, cellular, tissue and organ levels (pulmonary and GI tract).
PBSN 508 - Pharmaceutics I* (3 Credits)
Pharmaceutical calculation is one of the main components of patient care in pharmacy practice. The challenge of pharmaceutical calculations lies in the consistent accuracy to prevent patient harm and possible fatality. To obtain this level of accuracy, an understanding of basic concepts in math and deliberate, undivided attention to details is required. The course introduces students to the aspects of prescription terminology, systems of measurements and pharmaceutical calculations. Pharmaceutical calculations will be the core topic in the interactive sessions of the course.
SBAN 504 - Health Care Systems & Health Policies (3 Credits)
This course describes the components of a healthcare system; the goals and functions of the system, and how the system is assessed for attainment, performance, and quality. It also examines the key features of the U.S. healthcare system, the organization of healthcare delivery in the U.S., and the financing mechanisms for paying for healthcare, in comparison with other countries. Healthcare system regulation is covered by addressing health policy development, implementation, evaluation, and healthcare reform with special reference to the Affordable Care Act (ACA, 2010). The rising healthcare and medication costs in the U.S. and the strategies for containing these, while promoting access, quality, and equity in the system including the determinants of health are addressed. The course also addresses the drug use process, patient safety, and the social and behavioral aspects of patient care. An overview of basic public health concepts, key agencies in the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS), and pharmacy practice and career paths in USPHS and global health agencies conclude the course.
SBAN 570 - Professional Practice I (2 Credits)
This course serves as a comprehensive introduction to the pharmacy profession. The course will provide insight into the skills necessary to strive as a successful pharmacist professional and establish a high standard of professional conduct, with emphasis on the skills and attitudes in the COEPA standards. The students will be expected to describe and practice professionalism, reflective practice, and understand the basic principles of pharmacist traits. Students will be introduced to the concept of professional identity formation and the oath of a pharmacist. The essential elements of the history of pharmacy as a profession in the United States along with the contribution of the historical figure in the pharmacy profession will be discussed. The course will also work on the future directions needed for the pharmacy profession and the role of professional advocacy.
Total Credits = 19
P1 Spring
PHPN 501 - Medical Terminology (0 Credits)
Using a systems approach, through this second self-study course students analyze and interpret root words, prefixes and suffixes with an emphasis on spelling, pronunciation, definition and use of commonly used medical terminologies in healthcare settings. As part of the learning process, students are exposed to basic anatomy, physiology, pathology of disease and clinical procedures.
SBAN 560 - Cultural Competency (1 Credit)
This course will introduce and sensitize students to the challenges of providing quality, culturally appropriate, and patient-centered healthcare that maximizes patient health outcomes. Students will be introduced to historical contexts, observations, experiences, and case studies involving diverse populations/patient groups to develop their awareness, sensitivities, and their appreciation of the importance of cultural sensitivity when caring for these traditionally under-represented patients. Students will understand the health disparities routinely experienced by racial/ethnic minorities, populations/patient groups based on their gender, age, socioeconomic, and insurance status, as well as religious or cultural beliefs and practices, sexual orientation, and physical and mental disabilities. Students will learn about the healthcare policy frameworks, the healthcare systems, the unique health challenges of various population groups, and what their expectations are for what is acceptable, culturally appropriate, and acceptable care that optimizes their health outcomes and overall quality of life.
PBSN 529 - Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry II (3 Credits)
This is the second course of the pharmacology/ Medicinal Chemistry series which emphasize the pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of drugs used for the treatment of renal disorders, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coagulation disorders, ischemic heart disease, acute coronary syndrome, cardiac arrhythmias, stroke, acute & chronic heart disease, and pulmonary arterial hypertension. In addition, endocrine disorders (thyroid and adrenal/pituitary), Lupus, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis are also being taught. This course prepares students to develop an in-depth understanding of mechanism-based approaches to how specific drugs are utilized to treat specific conditions. Drug action mechanisms used for the treatment of a disease state are investigated with an integrated approach in explaining the molecular and cellular mechanisms of drug effects on the human body (i.e. pharmacodynamics) as well as how the human body affects the drugs (i.e., pharmacokinetics). Students are expected to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of drug action and should be able to explain and predict outcomes based on the principles of pharmacology, toxicology and medicinal chemistry including pharmacogenomics.
PHPN 581 - Pharmacotherapeutics I* (4 Credits)
This is the first pharmacotherapeutic sequence of coursework which focuses on the application of skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and resources needed to manage patients with ophthalmologic, dermatologic, respiratory, gastrointestinal, hematologic as well as renal disorders and is designed to provide a didactic framework of introductory concepts in pharmacotherapy including interpretation of laboratory values, the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP) and the inpatient medical record. The Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP) intertwined with the pathophysiologic, pharmacologic, pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacoeconomic principles will be utilized to prepare students to collect, assess, plan, implement, and follow-up with patient-specific pharmacotherapy recommendations for each disease state covered.
PBSN 509 - Pharmaceutics II (3 Credits)
This course is intended to introduce students to the discipline of pharmaceutics, to convey how the physicochemical properties of drugs and dosage forms are critical factors that impact the biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacotherapy of drugs. The course also provides a foundation for preparing extemporaneously compounded prescription products particularly via related pharmacy calculations and the rational factors involved in the selection of dosage forms. The focus is on the concepts that may be practical to understanding the complex issues associated with the processes drug delivery and the essentials of safe and effective drug therapy including scientific principles used in the design, optimization, preparation, storage, packaging, and stability of acceptable dosage forms.
SBAN 571 - Professional Practice II (3 Credits)
This course, as a continuum of Professional Practice I, introduces students to concepts and skills fundamental to the practice of pharmacy. The course introduces various topics in communication that are vital to the professional & clinical success of pharmacy students. Good communication skills will contribute to the success of the career and heightened respect from patients and other healthcare professionals for the profession. The course presents theoretical concepts and applications of such concepts in pharmacy practice, through role-play sessions, homework assignments, reflections, and a patient education material development assignment. The course will help develop basic communication skills, as they apply to delivering successful and sensitive interventions, professional, peer-to-peer communication, formal presentations, and advocacy. In addition to the communication skills, the course introduces ethical principles and the ethical decision-making process that are vital for healthcare professionals.
SBAN 540 - Drug Information and Literature Evaluation (3 Credits)
This course will introduce students to the basics of the provision of drug information practice. At the end of this course, the students will be expected to become familiar with various drug information resources and literature search databases. Additionally, students will learn biostatistical concepts and literature evaluation skills, including presenting a journal club to interpret clinical trial results and apply the information in patient care. Finally, students will gain an understanding of how drug information skills are used in different practice settings. Throughout the course, there will be assignments and hands-on activities focused on putting together the ultimate question executing a search strategy, selecting the appropriate drug information resources, and communicating the response.
PHPN 520 - Community Pharmacy & Intro to Immunization Practice* (3 Credits)
This course will provide students with an introduction to community pharmacy practice skills including legal aspects of filling and dispensing prescriptions, errors and omissions, and patient counseling. In addition, this course will introduce students to common self-care topics encountered in community-based settings. Students will also complete the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Immunization Certification Program.
Total Credits = 20
P1 Summer
EXPN 512 - IPPE Community Pharmacy (5 Credits)
This is an experiential education course introducing students to the practice of community pharmacy. The course provides students with an overview of the practice and enables the student to integrate classroom knowledge with practical experience. This experience seeks to provide students with direct exposure to the dynamics of the community pharmacy practice and to guide them to a realistic assessment of the challenges and opportunities that exist. Prerequisites: Successful completion first year didactic year requirements.
Notes: *Courses with laboratories or recitations.
Second Year
You have a strong foundation and you’ll build upon that, as we emphasize the development of the Essentials of Practice and Care skills.
You will continue learning therapeutics, pharmaceutics, and pharmacology and medicinal chemistry and you’ll start learning pharmacokinetics and clinical pharmacokinetics to gain a better understanding of the disposition of the drug in the body and its role in therapeutic decisions.
Some other courses you’ll start taking involve the economics of pharmaceuticals, a deeper understanding of the role of the pharmacist, and the importance of physical assessment:
- Principles of Management, Pharmacoeconomics, and Outcomes Research illustrates the economic factors involved in pharmacist decision-making; the management of the processes and resources necessary for the safe and efficient application of their decision-making; and the measurement of the outcomes as a result of pharmacist decisions.
- A sequence in self-care shows how a pharmacist impacts patients and their care-givers beyond the immediate healthcare environment.
- Physical assessment plays a key role in collecting, assessing, monitoring and evaluating.
- Pharmacogenomics and its role in further optimizing drug therapy.
- Deepening understanding of clinical care and approaches to therapy with increasing patient case complexities
- Continued simulation training
- Continued interprofessional education
- Two electives based on your interests and professional goals
P2 Fall
PBSN 610 - Pharmaceutics III (3 Credits)
This course covers issues of contemporary pharmacy practice. Part of this course is extemporaneous compounding, and the laboratory activities are designed to allow students to gain hands-on experience by preparing non-sterile products using extemporaneous compounding techniques. Students are expected to learn and perform calculations, determine the dose of products, identify and assign stability data of each preparation and compound prescriptions utilizing appropriate techniques. Correct method of compounding, proper documentation and labeling of the finished products are intensely focused on. These activities will prepare and enable students to develop the pharmaceutical skills needed to understand the importance of preparing prescriptions in a safe and effective manner. Lectures cover a higher level of pharmaceutical calculations than what was previously learned. The lectures also serve as an introduction to each lab. Students are also introduced to laws and regulations regarding compounding as well as safety precautions. Students are expected to understand the calculations, procedures and any additional information pertaining to each product.
PBSN 625 - Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry III (3 Credits)
This is the third course of the pharmacology/Medicinal Chemistry series which heavily emphasize drugs used in the treatment of infectious diseases and neurological disorders (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Epilepsy etc.) including headache disorders and multiple sclerosis. The course provides a review of the general principles of chemistry including the description of drugs, functional groups, pharmacophores, drug-receptor interaction, stereoisomers, optical isomers, physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of a drug, drug absorption, distribution, and metabolism. There is also a portion that delves into the principles of pharmacology including the basic pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of drug action. The pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of drugs used for the treatment of disease states are investigated with an integrated approach in explaining the molecular and cellular mechanisms of drug effects on the human body (i.e., pharmacodynamics) as well as how the human body affects the drugs (i.e., pharmacokinetics). Students are expected to gain a fundamental and practiced knowledge of the principles of drug action mechanisms to treat neurological conditions and variety of infectious diseases. Students should be able to explain and predict outcomes based on the principles of pharmacology, toxicology and medicinal chemistry including pharmacogenomics.
PBSN 635 - Pharmacokinetics (2 Credits)
This course provides students with the principles of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics as they relate to the pharmaceutical sciences and pharmacy practice. The course covers different steps of drug pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion) and application of principles of pharmacokinetics to drug therapy. The students are expected to learn that characterization of drug pharmacokinetics is an important prerequisite for determination of dosing regiments or modification of dosing regimen for patients. The relationship between pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics is also explored. Pharmacokinetics as a multidisciplinary approach to drug therapy explores the application of pharmacokinetic methods to individually optimized dosing strategies based on the patient’s disease state and patient-specific considerations. In class lectures focus on basic principles with the latest information available on the topics covered. The lectures are designed to progress through guided class discussions, questions generated by instructor and students, and jointly evaluate their answers to ensure that the information is taught in the same context in which it is being used. Problem solving sessions help to develop and strengthen the student’s problem-solving ability using case studies. Through this process, students are expected to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
PHPN 682 - Pharmacotherapeutics II* (5 Credits)
This is the second pharmacotherapeutic sequence of coursework which focuses on the application of skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and resources needed to manage patients with cardiovascular diseases, critically ill conditions, endocrine as well as rheumatic disorders and is also designed to provide a didactic framework of introductory concepts in special populations of pediatric and geriatric pharmacotherapy. The Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process (PPCP) intertwined with the pathophysiologic, pharmacologic, pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacoeconomic principles will be utilized to prepare students to collect, assess, plan, implement, and follow-up with patient-specific pharmacotherapy recommendations for each disease state covered.
PHPN 684 - Foundations of Interprofessional Education and Practice Part I (0 Credits)
This course introduces experiences that will teach students how to work with other health disciplines, use the knowledge of their own profession to contribute to patient care within their scope, effectively communicate with professionals of other fields in a responsive and responsible manner, and apply relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to work effectively with interprofessional team members to enhance care. The course may consist of, but will not be limited to, three possible types of IPE activities (simulation based in the med sim-lab, case-based in class and virtual software platform) to address a given patient case.
SBAN 625 - Pharmaceutical Law and Biomedical Ethics (3 Credits)
This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and basic knowledge of pharmacy management, pharmacoeconomics, and outcomes research. This course will demonstrate how management principles are applied in both institutional and community settings. The course will allow the students to explore the relationship between the principles of marketing when delivering a pharmacy service, the basic tenets of innovation and entrepreneurship in pharmacy, and the application of digital health in pharmacy management. The course will also introduce students to the importance of policymaking for successful pharmacy management. The course will also discuss the various theoretical frameworks of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research and its relationship to formulary management.
SBAN 630 - Principles of Management, Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (3 Credits)
This course is intended to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and basic knowledge of pharmacy management, pharmacoeconomics, and outcomes research. This course will demonstrate how management principles are applied in both institutional and community settings. The course will allow the students to explore the relationship between the principles of marketing when delivering a pharmacy service, the basic tenets of innovation and entrepreneurship in pharmacy, and the application of digital health in pharmacy management. The course will also introduce students to the importance of policymaking for successful pharmacy management. The course will also discuss the various theoretical frameworks of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research and its relationship to formulary management.
Elective** (0-3 Credits)
Total Credits = 19-22
P2 Spring
PBSN 611 - Pharmaceutics IV: Sterile IV Compounding (3 Credits)
This course covers issues of contemporary pharmacy practice. Part of this course is extemporaneous compounding, and the laboratory activities are designed to allow students to gain hands-on experience by preparing sterile products using extemporaneous compounding techniques. Students are expected to learn and perform calculations, determine the dose of products, identify and assign stability data of each preparation and compound prescriptions utilizing appropriate aseptic techniques. Correct method of compounding, proper documentation and labeling of the finished products are intensely focused on. These activities will prepare and enable students to develop the pharmaceutical skills needed to understand the importance of preparing sterile compounded prescriptions in a safe and effective manner. Lectures cover a higher level of pharmaceutical calculations than what was previously learned. Students are also introduced to laws and regulations regarding sterile compounding as well as safety precautions with regards to hazardous preparations. Students are expected to understand the calculations, procedures and any additional information pertaining to each product.
PBSN 631 - Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry IV (3 Credits)
This is the fourth course of the pharmacology series which combines knowledge gained from the three previous courses for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders, osteoporosis, reproductive disorders, and Cancer. Students are expected to understand and apply the normal physiology of associated body systems and the pathophysiology of the disease states to interpret drug action mechanisms. This allows an in-depth understanding of how specific drugs treat specific conditions utilizing mechanism-based approaches. The pharmacology and medicinal chemistry of drugs used for the treatment of a disease state are investigated with an integrated approach in explaining the molecular and cellular mechanisms of drug effects on the human body (i.e., pharmacodynamics) as well as how the human body affects the drugs (i.e. pharmacokinetics). Students are expected to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of drug action and should be able to explain and predict outcomes based on the principles of pharmacology, toxicology and medicinal chemistry including pharmacogenomics.
PHPN 620 - Healthcare Essentials; Physical Assessment and Injection Practice (3 Credits)
This course will introduce pharmacy students to the elements of basic head-to-toe exam techniques including physical, behavioral and psychological assessment to optimize patient care. The students will develop a thorough understanding of the patients’ health status through a comprehensive assessment strategy that includes health promotion and illness prevention. The course will incorporate the selection and interpretation of screening and diagnostic testing in order to formulate differential diagnosis through hands-on skill and injection technique practice.
PHPN 660 - Clinical Pharmacokinetics (3 Credits)
This course provides students with an understanding of the factors involved in the processes of pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD). This course will help students acquire a basic understanding of the principles and applications of PK/PD and characterize drug pharmacokinetics mathematically. Students are expected to apply the knowledge learned in this course to develop a population and individualized approach toward patient care to maximize therapeutic outcomes through optimization of dosing strategies based on disease states and patient-specific considerations.
PHPN 683 - Pharmacotherapeutics III* (5 Credits)
This is the third pharmacotherapeutic sequence of coursework which focuses on the application of skills, critical thinking, problem solving, and resources needed to manage patients with infectious diseases and neurologic disorders. The Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process intertwined with the pathophysiologic, pharmacologic, pharmacotherapeutic and pharmacoeconomic principles will be utilized to prepare students to collect, assess, plan, implement, and follow-up with patient-specific pharmacotherapy recommendations for each disease state covered.
PHPN 695 - Foundations of Interprofessional Education and Practice Part II (0 Credits)
This course continues experiences that will teach students how to work with other health disciplines, use the knowledge of their own profession to contribute to patient care within their scope, effectively communicate with professionals of other fields in a responsive and responsible manner, and apply relationship-building values and the principles of team dynamics to work effectively with interprofessional team members to enhance care. The course may consist of, but will not be limited to, three possible types of IPE activities (simulation based in the med sim-lab, case-based in class and virtual software platform) to address a given patient case.
Elective** (0-3 Credits)
Total Credits = 17-20
P2 Summer
EXPN 641 - IPPE Institutional Pharmacy (5 Credits)
This is an experiential education course introducing students to the practice of inpatient distribution facility of a hospital or other institutional health care settings. This experience seeks to provide students with direct exposure to the dynamics of the institutional pharmacy practice and to guide them to a realistic assessment of the challenges and opportunities that exist. Prerequisites: Successful completion second-year didactic year requirements
Notes: *Courses with laboratories or recitations. **Two 3-credit didactic electives required. May be taken in the P2 fall semester, P2 spring semester and/or P3 fall semester.
Third Year
The first semester of the third year, the final didactic semester, provides the conclusion of the therapeutics sequence. It continues to deepen the understanding of approaches to therapy particularly in increasingly complex cases such as patients with comorbidities. You will integrate your knowledge from all disciplines and previous coursework and learn about additional complex considerations such as biomedical ethics, pharmacy law, and drug-induced diseases and toxicology.
- Most coursework is comprehensive, with more complex considerations
- Begin advanced practice experiences in the spring
P3 Fall
PHPN 721 - Drug‐induced diseases & Toxicology (3 Credits)
This course is designed to enable students to develop a broad-based knowledge of the pharmacological, medicinal chemical and pharmacotherapeutic basis of drug induced disease and clinical toxicology. Building on the foundation of the Pharmacist Patient Care Process (PPCP), students will develop a standardized approach for identifying signs and symptoms of toxic events and drug-induced diseases, thoroughly assessing patients, and providing appropriate therapy/monitoring recommendations/referral. This goal will be met through a series of didactic lectures and interactive patient cases. After the completion of the course, students should acquire the necessary skills to practice in emergency and outpatient settings and will aid in the transition to advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Prerequisites: Completion of first and second year courses
PHPN 722 - Comprehensive Patient Care Management (3 Credits)
PHPN 722 is a capstone course designed to strengthen and conclude the didactic curriculum through application of prior learning. This course will integrate essential core pharmacy therapeutics topics and management of various disease states. Emphasis will be placed on applying the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process to complex patient cases in order to develop rational evidence-based drug therapy, therapeutic monitoring and modification of drug therapy and medication regimens as dictated by changes in the patient’s characteristics, laboratory values and overall clinical status. Time in this course will be divided between self-study, problem-based learning and team-based learning. All course activities are designed to develop and improve critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills by working through complex patient scenarios mimicking clinical practice experiences. Completion of this course will empower the student to pursue self-directed lifelong learning in order to improve patient outcomes in the institutional and ambulatory care settings. Prerequisites: Completion of first and second year courses.
PHPN 751 - Comprehensive Self-Care* (2 Credits)
This course builds on the concepts introduced in PHPN 650 Self Care I. After the completion of this course, the student will be able to formulate patient-specific plans, and preform MTM services. The Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process will be utilized to prepare students to collect, assess, plan, implement, and follow-up with patient-specific pharmacotherapy recommendations for each topic covered. portion of this course consists of a practice-based certificate training program through the American Pharmacists Association, which will prepare student pharmacists to improve medication use through the delivery of MTM services in a variety of practice settings. Prerequisites: : PHPN 651 and PBSN 611
PHPN 784 - Pharmacotherapeutics IV* (5 Credits)
The four-semester pharmacotherapeutics sequence of coursework that runs throughout the didactic component of the program provides an integrated approach in understanding pathophysiology and applied therapeutics. Students will learn to apply basic knowledge of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry on appropriate drug selection and monitoring for specific disease states. Pharmacotherapeutics incorporates the principles of clinical practice guidelines for various disease states and their interpretation in the clinical setting. Through reinforcement of the basic science principles relative to drug action, the student will learn to apply organ systems-based knowledge to clinical practice setting and learn associated disease state management. In addition to the lecture hours, these courses offer a required weekly recitation session. During recitations, students will engage in group activities and discussions related to patient cases that are based on select topics/disease states introduced in class during any given week. Students will be asked drug therapy management questions similar to those arising in real clinical settings. Prerequisites: PBSN 631, PHPN 581
PHPN 725 - Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine (2 Credits)
Course Description Pending.
Elective** (0-3 Credits)
Total Credits = 16-19
P3 Spring
PHPN 733 - Seminars in Pharmacy Practice I (1 Credit)
This sequence of courses will enable students to synthesize, integrate and apply the basic-science and pharmacotherapeutic principles prevalent in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. This course also provides an opportunity to update students on new modalities and treatment protocols in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. The courses will address these disease states from a basic science, clinical, and public health standpoint via a case-based learning approach, relating disease to appropriate therapeutic management, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. In addition, these courses will emphasize the principles of self-directed learning through student-led presentations, interactive learning scenario stimulating real-world clinical experiences that allows students to practice and apply problem-solving skills, and accountability for assigned readings. These courses also serve to compliment the continuum between didactic and experiential courses. Independent learning, facilitated discussion, student-led presentations, and interactive learning activities will be utilized throughout the courses to give students an opportunity to build on previous course work by synthesizing, integrating, and applying biomedical, clinical, and public health concepts relevant to the pharmacy practice setting.
P4 Fall
PHPN 834 - Seminars in Pharmacy Practice II (1 Credit)
This sequence of courses will enable students to synthesize, integrate and apply the basic-science and pharmacotherapeutic principles prevalent in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. This course also provides an opportunity to update students on new modalities and treatment protocols in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. The courses will address these disease states from a basic science, clinical, and public health standpoint via a case-based learning approach, relating disease to appropriate therapeutic management, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. In addition, these courses will emphasize the principles of self-directed learning through student-led presentations, interactive learning scenario stimulating real-world clinical experiences that allows students to practice and apply problem-solving skills, and accountability for assigned readings. These courses also serve to compliment the continuum between didactic and experiential courses. Independent learning, facilitated discussion, student-led presentations, and interactive learning activities will be utilized throughout the courses to give students an opportunity to build on previous course work by synthesizing, integrating, and applying biomedical, clinical, and public health concepts relevant to the pharmacy practice setting.
P4 Spring
PHPN 835 - Seminars in Pharmacy Practice III (1 Credit)
This sequence of courses will enable students to synthesize, integrate and apply the basic-science and pharmacotherapeutic principles prevalent in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. This course also provides an opportunity to update students on new modalities and treatment protocols in both acute and chronic disease-state settings. The courses will address these disease states from a basic science, clinical, and public health standpoint via a case-based learning approach, relating disease to appropriate therapeutic management, evidence-based practice, and patient-centered care. In addition, these courses will emphasize the principles of self-directed learning through student-led presentations, interactive learning scenario stimulating real-world clinical experiences that allows students to practice and apply problem-solving skills, and accountability for assigned readings. These courses also serve to complement the continuum between didactic and experiential courses. Independent learning, facilitated discussion, student-led presentations, and interactive learning activities will be utilized throughout the courses to give students an opportunity to build on previous course work by synthesizing, integrating, and applying biomedical, clinical, and public health concepts relevant to the pharmacy practice setting.
PHPN 855 - Pharmacy Practice Primers (2 Credits)
This course serves as a culminating review of the pharmacy curriculum to ensure students have the knowledge and skills to serve as pharmacists and pass the NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination) which will be required for pharmacist licensure upon graduation. This course will consist of self-study and in-class review sessions. In-class review session will go hand-in-hand with self-study to help reinforce student knowledge of difficult topics and core topics. Review sessions will provide students with practice cases and questions and will help highlight and clarify key points to enhance student understanding of the material. The combination of self study with review sessions will promote self-directed lifelong learning and ultimately allow students to successfully practice as future pharmacists.
PBSN 825 - Advanced Pharmacy Calculations (2 Credits)
This course is designed to assess student knowledge gained over the 4 years of the pharmacy program and to ensure that students are adequately prepared to perform pharmaceutical calculations. This course serves as a culminating review of the pharmaceutical calculations to ensure students have the knowledge and skills to serve as pharmacists and pass the NAPLEX (North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination) which will be required for pharmacist licensure upon graduation. This course will consist of self-study and in-class review sessions. The combination of self-study with review sessions will promote self-directed lifelong learning and ultimately allow students to successfully practice as future pharmacists.
Prerequisites: PBSN 508, 635 and PHRN 610, 611
Total Credits = 7
Total PharmD Program Credits Required: 167
Credit Breakdown is: Didactic 103; IPPE: 10; APPE: 54
Notes: *Courses with laboratories or recitations.
**Two 3-credit didactic electives required. May be taken in the P2 fall semester, P2 spring semester and/or P3 fall semester.
***1-credit Compounding elective available during P4 year
Learning Styles
Much of the didactic coursework is primarily taught by lectures. Lectures often include embedded active-learning strategies such as audience-response (clickers), individual and/or group projects completed outside of class time.
For key courses such as pharmacy calculations and pharmacotherapeutics, recitations accompany the course, which allows for small group work on problem sets, case studies, and other interactive activities. Laboratories associated with the pharmaceutics courses allow hands-on experience in developing the motor skills necessary for dispensing prescriptions, extemporaneous compounding, and the preparation of sterile products while the laboratory in physical assessment allows for the development of other motor skills. All lectures are video recorded and available immediately after class so you have greater flexibility to learn at your own pace. Canvas, the College’s learning management system, is used extensively by all didactic courses. Every effort is made to post lecture handouts, PowerPoint slides, and assignments in advance, accommodating if you prefer to get an overview of materials before attending the lecture.