Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Touro College of Pharmacy
- 929-333-8352
- Three Times Square, Suite 815 New York, NY 10036
Dr. Michelle Jakubovics (Friedman) is a graduate of Touro College of Pharmacy where she received her Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and the Touro College Lander College of Arts and Sciences where she received her Bachelor of Science in Biology. After earning her PharmD degree she went on to complete a PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice Residency and PGY-2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency at the ASHP-accredited pharmacy residency program at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center located in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Jakubovics is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist (BCPS) and geriatric pharmacist (BCGP). Her research interests include diabetes management in the hospital and anticoagulation in special patient populations.
Clinical Specialty
- Internal Medicine,
- Anticoagulation
- Nephrology
- Pulmonology
- PharmD, Touro College of Pharmacy, NY; 2013
- B.S. in Biology,Touro College, NY; 2009
- PGY-2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center, 2015
- PGY-1 Pharmacy Residency, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center; 2014
Honors and Awards
- Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Excellence in Pharmacotherapy Publication and Presentation Scholarship Award (2015)
- Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Research Recognition Award, Second Place for Clinical Vignette (2015)
- Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Excellence in Drug-Induced Diseases Award (2014)
- Touro College of Pharmacy S.N. Roy Medal for Academic Excellence (2013)
- Touro College of Pharmacy Capstone Award (2013)
- Incidence of hyper/hypoglycemia in patients continuing oral antidiabetic medications in the Internal Medicine Setting
- Implementation of an Opioid Stewardship Protocol in a Long Term Care Facility
- Hypoglycemia Rates and Management with Different Insulin Detemir Administration Times
- Safety and Efficacy of Warfarin versus Apixaban in Patients with Severe Renal Impairment Use of Direct Oral Anticoagulants in Obese Patients
Recent Publications
- Malhotra K, Fazylov R, Friedman-Jakubovics M. A Case-Report of Drug-Induced Mixed Liver Injury Resulting from Cefepime Exposure. Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2021 Jun 8;8971900211015046.
- Cohen H, Wang A, Todorov D, Friedman M, Wassner C, Shyh G. Drugs affecting circulation: Antihypertensives, antianginals, antithrombotics. In: Gardenhire DS, ed. Rau’s Respiratory Care Pharmacology. Elsevier. 2020;(10):345-381.
- Friedman-Jakubovics ML, Fazylov R. Diuretics. In: Ray SD, ed. Side Effects of Drugs Annual 40. Elsevier. 2019;(41)229 -236.
- Peyko V, Friedman-Jakubovics, ML (2018) Novel approach to vancomycin level monitoring: Impact of a multidisciplinary monitoring system on timing of vancomycin levels. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Volume 75, Issue 3, 1 February 2018, Pages 121–126,
- Friedman-Jakubovics ML, Fazylov R (2018) Diuretics (Peer Reviewed Chapter in Textbook). Side Effects of Drugs Annual (textbook) Volume 40, 2018, Pages 269-278
- Sorbera MA, Friedman ML, Cope R. New and emerging evidence on the use of second-generation direct acting antivirals for the treatment of hepatitis C virus in renal impairment. J Pharm Pract. 2017 June; 30(3):359-365.
- Pinkhasov A, Lam T, Hayes, D, Friedman M, Singh D, Cohen H. Lacosamide induced psychosis: case report, review of differential diagnosis and relevant pharmacokinetics. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2015 Sep-Oct;38(5):198-200.
- Cohen H, Todorov D, Friedman M, Shyh G, Wassner C. Drugs Affecting Circulation: Antihypertensives, Antianginals, Antithrombotics. In: Gardenhire DS editor. Respiratory Care Pharmacology 9th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby Publishers. 2015.
- Cohen H, Todorov D, Friedman M, Shyh G. Dizziness, Vertigo, and Ataxia. In: Singleton JK, DiGregorio RV, Green-Hernandez C, Holzemer SP, Faber ES, Ferrara LR, Syler JT editors. Primary Care2nd ed. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, 2014:730-739.
- Friedman ML, Todorov D, Cohen H. Assessment of acid suppression therapy use in internal medicine patients. J Pharm Pract 2014;27(3):268.
Teaching Responsibilities
- PHPN 581 – Pharmacotherapeutics I
- PHPN 682 – Pharmacotherapeutics II
- PHPN 694 – Advanced Diabetes Management
- PHPN 722 – Comprehensive Patient Care Management
- PHPN 721 – Drug-Induced Diseases and Toxicology
Baking, biking, spending time with friends and family