PharmD Program
Roman Fazylov, PharmD, BCPS
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
Touro College of Pharmacy

- Roman.Fazylov@touro.edu
- 212-851-1192 ext. 42559
- Three Times Square, Suite 814 New York, NY 10036
Dr. Fazylov practices Internal Medicine at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center where he currently provides pharmacotherapy services to approximately 40 inpatient beds. He is board certified as a pharmacotherapy specialist and is a member of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy.
Clinical Specialty
- Internal Medicine
- PharmD, Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, New York; 2014
- Post-Graduate Year 1(PGY1) Pharmacy Practice at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Post-Graduate Year 2 (PGY2) Internal Medicine at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Honors and Awards
- 2016, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Award: Excellence in Patient Physical Assessment
- 2015, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Award: Excellence in Drug-Induced Diseases
- 2015, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Award: Excellence in Pharmacotherapy
- 2015, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Award: Excellence in Pharmacotherapy Research
- 2015, Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center Research Recognition Award: 1st Place in Clinical Research
- 2015, GNYHA &NYSCHP Antimicrobial Stewardship Achievement Certificate
- 2014, Merck Award for Outstanding Achievement in Pharmacology & Medicinal Chemistry
- Combination antibiotics for multi-drug resistant bacteria
- Patient tailored empiric therapy for HCAP: moving away from the HCAP model
- Anticoagulant use in obesity
- Antibiotic pharmacokinetics and therapeutic drug monitoring
Recent Publications
- Methylnaltrexone versus Naloxone for Opioid-Induced Constipation in the Medical Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Medicine 42.12 (2014): A1512.
- Evaluation of a Novel Treatment Algorithm for Health Care Associated Pneumonia to Reduce the Use of Broad Spectrum Antibiotics, a Prospective Cohort Study. Fazylov, R, Peyko, V. Infect Dis Clin Pract 2017;25: 82-87
- Case Report: Heparin Overdose. Fletcher, R., Wassner, C., Fazylov, R., & Cohen, H. Critical Care Medicine 42.12 (2016): A1512.
- What is the Appropriate Duration of High Dose Atorvastatin Post Acute Coronary Syndrome. J Pharm Pract. 2015 Dec;28(6):555-60.
Recent Presentations
- New Drug Update: Exparel (Liposomal Bupivacaine), June 2016 Presented at the NYSCHP annual banquet
- Dosing Strategies for Antibiotics in Obese and Renally Impaired Populations March 2016 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Medication Use Evaluation of Kcentra® in a Community Hospital Setting, February 2016 Presented at P&T committee meeting at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Monoclonal Antibodies: A Pharmacological Review, January 2016 Presented at NYSCHP Jan Keltz Winter CE Program in Lake Placid, NY
- Empagliflozin, Cardiac Outcomes and Mortality, November 2015 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Herbal Medicines, October 2015 Presented to first year Pharm.D. Candidates at Touro College of Pharmacy
- Aspirin for Prevention of Thromboembolism in Orthopedic Surgery Patients, August 2015 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Critical Analysis of Warfarin Use in Rutland Nursing Home, August 2015 Presented at P&T committee meeting in Rutland Nursing Home
- Antibiotic Strategies in Community Acquired Pneumonia- Atypical Coverage, June 2015 Presented to the clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Evaluation of Novel Treatment Algorithm to Determine Effective Empiric Regimens for Health-care Associated Pneumonia, May 2015 Presented to pharmacy residents and preceptors at NYSCHP annual assembly &Eastern States conference
- 13 Valent Conjugated Pneumococcal Vaccine in the Geriatric Population, February 2015 Presented to the clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Therapeutic Hypothermia Post Cardiac Arrest: 33ºC vs. 36ºC, January 2015 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- The Role of Steroids in Septic Shock, November 2014 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Patient Case: Acute Ischemic Stroke, September 2014 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Growing Resistance in Gram Negative Infections, October 2014 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Drug Induced Thrombocytopenia, September 2014 Presented to clinical staff at Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
- Patient Case: Osteosarcoma Pathophysiology and Emerging Treatment Modalities, March 2014 Presented to clinical staff NYU Langone Medical Center
- Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrom, February 2014 Presented to clinical staff NYU Langone Medical Center
- Treatment Considerations in Rapid Sequence Intubation, November 2013 Presented to clinical staff NYU Langone Medical Center
- Anticonvulsants for the Treatment of Alcohol Withdrawal, November 2013 Presented to faculty and staff at the International Drug Information Center of Long Island University
- Intensive vs. Moderate Lipid Lowering Therapy after Acute Coronary Syndrome, October 2013 Presented to faculty and staff at the International Drug Information Center of Long Island University.
- New Drug Update: Canagliflozin, September 2013 Presented to faculty and staff at the International Drug Information Center of Long Island University.
- Central Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome, June 2013 Presented to the clinical staff of neonatal ICU at Roosevelt Hospital
- Novel and Evolving Therapies for Seizures in Neonates, June 2013 Presented to the clinical staff of neonatal ICU at Roosevelt Hospital
- Formulary addition of glipizide, June 2013 Presented to the P&T committee at Roosevelt Hospital.
Teaching Responsibilities
- PHRN 635 Clinical Pharmacokinetics
- SBAN 560 Cultural Competency
- PHPN 581 Pharmacotherapy
Motorsports, cycling, hiking, and camping